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The Kid
Buck and Ike

Buck and Ike react to the news that Stephen agreed to do a Pauly Shore movie.

We’re back and one of Scarface’s henchmen knocks over a bucket of water. Scarface tells the deputy the dude knocked over the bucket and he wants some water. Is there anyone out there who could not see what was coming up next? If so, then please save yourself some embarrassment and DON’T tell anyone.

Unfortunately, the deputy is an idiot who goes over to the cell and predictably gets choked out. How funny would it have been if Scarface had just said, “Thank you kindly, sir,” and then the deputy went about his merry way? You know it would’ve been hilarious. But they get the deputy’s keys and there is NO WAY THEY HAD TIME TO UNLOCK THE DOOR!!!!!! Scarface gives one of the guys the keys and almost instantaneously they open the door and take off. No way they had time to unlock the door, simply no way.

Sam runs in and starts to chase after them, but he gets shot at the door. It’s a good sell.

Meanwhile, Kid asks Teaspoon about women. Teaspoon tells Fro Boy that he came to the right place because he (Teaspoon) has been married to three white women and three Indians. Teaspoon compares the world to a wheel or something. Kid is confused. So am I, that’s why I’m not gonna say anything else about this scene. Cody rides in hooting and hollering, claims the job ain’t easy, and the Kid takes off.

Kid’s in the woods. He senses something is wrong. Is it the Blair Witch? We find out that it is NOT the Blair Witch, but it IS Scarface and one of his henchmen. NO WAY!

Kid shoots the dude behind him and takes off riding. In a reason still unbeknownst to me, Scarface fails to shoot at Kid IN POINT BLANK RANGE! He does manage to shoot Katy though. Kid hides behind Katy (you gonna hide behind Lou next???) and then shoots Scarface. Scarface falls to the ground and in a cool shot we get a close-up of his open-eyed face as he rolls to a stop.

Kid walks Katy until he eventually sets up camp for the night. In true Kid fashion he cries a little bit, and then he decides to shoot Katy. “Katyyyyyy” he bemoans as Sam shows up JUST IN TIME. Wow, if there’s one thing we’ve learned about some of these characters it’s that many of them have impeccable timing!

Sam explains he was tracking the two guys Kid shot, then asks Kid to affirm he was indeed the one who shot them. Kid says he had no choice but then says, “It just don’t seem right.” WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Hello, Kid? This is earth. Just thought I’d let you know that if you hadn’t shot them then THEY WOULD’VE SHOT YOU AND YOU’D BE DEAD!!!!!!!!! Sure, you can be unhappy about having to kill somebody, but why question if it was right if it was your only resort? Kid has problems with the fact he had to defend himself, but he seems to have no problem with FRAUDULENTLY winning $30 or LYING about not having a brother. Sam delivers another good line telling Kid, “Out here you gotta grow up fast or not at all.” Preach it from the hilltop brer Sam! Preach it from the dew-covered hilltop. They dig Katy’s bullet out and put a “burning stick” to the wound and all is well.  Surprise.

Back at the station Lou thanks Kid for keeping her secret. Kid gave her his word he wouldn’t tell anybody. Then he said, “My word is bond,” tapped his chest twice with the side of his fist, kissed his fingertips, and pointed them at Lou. Huh? What on earth?  Then Lou and Kid share their first kiss together. I’m sure plenty of you Kid and Lou fans marked out. I did not.  I almost vomited out my dinner, but I digress.

Everybody watches Teaspoon eat an onion like it was an apple.  He does so with just the right amount of grizzled eccentricity.  Ike makes some hand movements behind Teaspoon’s back. The other riders laugh to humor poor Ike and Teaspoon tells him to quit talking behind his back. Teaspoon congratulates everybody on sticking together and staying alive. The riders chant along with him as he says the Pony Express is nothing but “sweat and trouble” (much like this Rider Review). Kid is up for one last ride before the show ends. Everybody sees him off as he rides off into the sunset and the theme music plays. The show ends.

Ready for the epilogue with all the post-show rewards and stuff?  Then jump to the next page!

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